When you become a Personal Sponsor, you receive a number of exclusive benefits to enhance your enjoyment of the show. The higher the tier, the greater the benefits and the larger your tax-deductible donation to the TYCF.
- VIP Lounge – located inside Obexer’s Boat Company’s historic Z Barn, this intimate lounge offers you a spot to relax, socialize, and sit back in the shade. Your VIP Lounge access includes a catered lunch on both days of the show. And there is no need for you to stand in line at the Concours bar. The VIP Lounge also features a private, fully hosted and stocked bar with your VIP bartender ready to serve up your favorite summer cocktails.
- VIP Valet Parking – there is no need to deal with the hassle of finding a spot on Lake Tahoe’s busy West Shore. The Concours VIP Valet Parking service, reserved solely for Personal Sponsors, allows you to pull up to the front of the show, hand over your keys, and walk right in.
- Custom Gift Bag – the items in our gift bags and even the bags themselves are especially created and hand-picked as a thank you to our Personal Sponsors. The custom Concours bags include a premium selection of limited-edition souvenirs from this year’s show, a bottle of wine, and a special edition hat designed exclusively for you.
- Program Recognition – see your name written in history. All Personal Sponsors are recognized in the yearly commemorative Lake Tahoe Concours d’Elegance program. These programs are cherished collector’s items for wooden boat lovers and are given to every attendee of the show. Deadline to be included in the program TBA
The biggest benefit is knowing you are contributing to a good cause. A portion of your Personal Sponsor membership fee will go to ensure the preservation of the Tahoe marine environment as well as aid worthy maritime-related organizations in need.
Don’t just experience the Lake Tahoe Concours d’Elegance. Live it. Become a Personal Sponsor today!